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Comment on revised pay offer to support staff trade unions

Commenting on a revised pay offer to support staff trade unions, Gavin Donoghue, Director of College Employers Scotland (CES), said:

“Last week, the NJNC Side Table Support met to discuss a revised three-year pay offer from employers to the support staff trade unions (UNISON, Unite and GMB).

“The new offer contains the same substantial pay rise of £5,000 by September 2024, while seeking to address the support staff trade unions’ concerns around job security.

“Employers have requested that UNISON, Unite and GMB members now be formally balloted on this updated pay offer.

“In the meantime, employers welcome UNISON’s suspension of strike action today (13 May) while its members consider this new pay offer. It is hoped that the other strike dates on 20 and 23 May will also be similarly suspended.”


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