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Member Colleges

About Colleges

The college sector employs over 14,000 staff in wide ranging roles and delivers education, skills, and training to around 213,000 students, 11,000 apprentices and 52,000 school pupils. It delivers approximately a quarter of all higher education in Scotland. Colleges are significant employers within their regions and colleges are anchor institutions in their local communities, with a proud history of providing education and training to people of all ages and all backgrounds. Local and regional employers and local economies benefit hugely from working with colleges who support individuals achieve qualifications, skills and careers.

  • 14,124 staff (10,849 FTE) 
  • 5,343 (49%) support staff, 5,506 (51%) lecturing staff (FTE figure)
  • 61% women, 39% men
  • 68% full-time, 32% part-time
  • 48% of staff are aged 51 and over
  • 7% of staff have a declared disability
  • 2% of staff are from minority ethnic groups
  • 87% of full-time permanent lecturing staff have a recognised teaching qualification.

Figures are full-time equivalent for 2020/21

Our Members

UHI Argyll

Ayrshire College

Borders College

City of Glasgow College

Dumfries and Galloway College

Dundee and Angus College

Edinburgh College

Fife College

Forth Valley College

Glasgow Clyde College

Glasgow Kelvin College

UHI Outer Hebrides

UHI Moray

Newbattle Abbey College

New College Lanarkshire

North East Scotland College

UHI North Highland

UHI Orkney

UHI Perth

UHI Inverness

Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

UHI Shetland (lecturing only)

South Lanarkshire College

West College Scotland

UHI West Highland

West Lothian College

UHI Orkney and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig sit outwith the NRPA.


Members’ Area

The Members’ Area contains information for Chairs, Principals, Directors of HR, Directors of Finance, Head of Marketing/Marketing Managers and Board Secretaries. The information in these sections are intended for those issued with log-in details only, it should be treated as confidential and not for wider circulation.