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Commenting on the latest pay dispute meeting with the support staff trade unions (UNISON, Unite and the GMB) today (Wednesday, 28 June), Gavin Donoghue, Director of College Employers Scotland, said:
“It is deeply disappointing that the support staff trade unions have not responded to the employers’ request to take this very substantial pay offer to their members.
“The offer would deliver a £3,500 pay rise for all staff over two years, equating to an average increase of 11%, and even more for those on lower pay. Colleges are extremely concerned about the additional financial pressures being put on employees through these months of pay negotiation, and as the cost of living continues to increase. We want to see pay rises go into people’s pockets at the earliest opportunity.
“We would urge our trade union colleagues to be pragmatic and give their members a chance to vote on our full and final offer. It is the maximum that employers can afford and, given the significant pay rise it would provide, we are confident support staff would vote to accept it.
“Employers have made a commitment to manage organisational change through voluntary measures in accordance with the Fair Work agenda. Any compulsory measures will only be used as a last resort when all other measures have been considered.”

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